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Selected Publications



Chen, J., Chan, I., & Brilakis, I. (2024). Shifting research from defect detection to defect modeling in computer vision-based structural health monitoring. Automation in Construction, 164, 105481.

Dong, Z., Lu, W., & Chen, J. (2024). Neural rendering-based semantic point cloud retrieval for indoor construction progress monitoring. Automation in Construction, 164, 105448.

Chen, J., Lu, W., Pan, Y., & Fu, Y. (2024). Building “RoboAvatar”: Industry Foundation Classes–Based Digital Representation of Robots in the Built Environment. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 38(4), 04024013.

Chen, J., Lu, W., & Liu, D. (2024). Built environment defect mapping, modeling, and management (D3M): A BIM-based integrated framework. Journal of Intelligent Construction.


Fu, Y., Chen, J., & Lu, W. (2024). Human-robot collaboration for modular construction manufacturing: Review of academic research. Automation in Construction, 158, 105196.

Lin, X., Chen, J., Lu, W., & Guo, H. (2024). An edge-weighted graph triumvirate to represent modular building layouts. Automation in Construction, 157, 105140.

Chen, J., Fu, Y., Lu, W., & Pan, Y. (2023). Augmented reality-enabled human-robot collaboration to balance construction waste sorting efficiency and occupational safety and health. Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 119341.

Wang, M., Hu, D., Chen, J., & Li, S. (2023). Underground infrastructure detection and localization using deep learning enabled radargram inversion and vision based mapping. Automation in Construction, 154, 105004.

Liu, D., Sun, C., Chen, J., & Liu, L. (2023). Multisensory and BIM-Integrated Digital Twin to Improve Urban Excavation Safety. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 37(5), 04023025.

Lu, W., Chen, J., Fu, Y., Pan, Y., & Ghansah, F. A. (2023). Digital twin-enabled human-robot collaborative teaming towards sustainable and healthy built environments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137412, published online.


Chen, J., Lu, W., Fu, Y., & Dong, Z. (2023). "Automated facility inspection using robotics and BIM: A knowledge-driven approach." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55, 101838.

Chen, J., Lu, W., Lou, J. (2023). "Automatic concrete defect detection and reconstruction by aligning aerial images onto semantic-rich building information model." Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

Chen, J., & Liu, D. (2023). Using computer vision to monitor ice condition in water supply infrastructure: A study of salient image features. Journal of Hydroinformatics, Manuscript accepted.

Liu, D., Sun, C., Chen, J., & Liu, L. (2023). Multisensory and BIM-Integrated Digital Twin to Improve Urban Excavation Safety. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Manuscript accepted.


Qi, Z., Liu, D., Zhang, J., & Chen, J. (2022). Micro-concrete crack detection of underwater structures based on convolutional neural network. Machine Vision and Applications, 33 (5), 74.


Chen, J., Lu, W., & Dong, Z. (2022). Monocular Vision–Enabled 3D Truck Reconstruction: A Novel Optimization Approach Based on Parametric Modeling and Graphics Rendering. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(5), 04022027.


Ghansah, F. A., Chen, J., & Lu, W. (2022). Developing a user perception model for smart living: A partial least squares structural equation modelling approach. Building and Environment, 109399.


Hu, D., Chen, J., & Li, S. (2022). Reconstructing unseen spaces in collapsed structures for search and rescue via deep learning based radargram inversion. Automation in Construction, 140, 104380.


Chen, S., Bao, Z., Chen, J., Yang, L., & Lou, V. (2022). Sustainable built environment for facilitating public health of older adults: Evidence from Hong Kong. Sustainable Development, published online.

Lu, Weisheng, and Junjie Chen. "Computer vision for solid waste sorting: A critical review of academic research". Waste Management, 142 (2022): 29-43.


Zhiming Dong, Junjie Chen, and Weisheng Lu, Computer vision to recognize construction waste compositions: A novel boundary-aware transformer (BAT) model, Journal of Environmental Management 305 (2022) 114405.

Chen, Junjie, et al. "Estimating construction waste truck payload volume using monocular vision." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 177 (2022): 106013.

Lu, Weisheng, Junjie Chen, and Fan Xue. "Using computer vision to recognize composition of construction waste mixtures: A semantic segmentation approach." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 178 (2022): 106022.


Chen, Junjie, Shuai Li, and Weisheng Lu. "Align to locate: Registering photogrammetric point clouds to BIM for robust indoor localization." Building and Environment (2021): 108675.

Chen, Junjie, Shuai Li, Weisheng Lu, Donghai Liu, Dongjie Hu, and Maohong Tang. "Markerless Augmented Reality for Facility Management: Automated Spatial Registration based on Style Transfer Generative Network." In 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction 2021, Dubai, UAE.

Chen, Junjie, and Donghai Liu. "Detecting, extracting and classifying foreign objects in inter-basin channels to ensure water supply safety." Journal of Hydroinformatics (2021).


Chen, Junjie, Donghai Liu, and Xin Li. "Extracting water channels from aerial videos based on image-to-BIM registration and spatio-temporal continuity." Automation in Construction 132 (2021): 103970.

Chen, Junjie, et al. "Indoor camera pose estimation via style‐transfer 3D models." Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (2021).

Chen, Junjie, Weisheng Lu, and Fan Xue. "“Looking beneath the surface”: A visual-physical feature hybrid approach for unattended gauging of construction waste composition." Journal of Environmental Management 286 (2021): 112233.

Liu, Donghai, et al. "Roller-Integrated Compaction Assessment of Earth-Rock Dam Materials Considering Operation Modes." Geotechnical Testing Journal 44.6 (2021).

Liu, Donghai, et al. "Integrating Building Information Model and Augmented Reality for Drone-Based Building Inspection." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 35.2 (2021): 04020073.

Chen, Junjie, and Donghai Liu. "Bottom-up image detection of water channel slope damages based on superpixel segmentation and support vector machine." Advanced Engineering Informatics 47 (2021): 101205.


Liu, Donghai, et al. "A Cyber-Physical System for Multi-Roller Control in Mega Infrastructure Projects." Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020.

Liu, Donghai, et al. "Real-Time Optimization of Precast Concrete Component Transportation and Storage." Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (2020).

Chen, Junjie, et al. "AiRobSim: simulating a multisensor aerial robot for urban search and rescue operation and training." Sensors 20.18 (2020): 5223.

2019 and before

Liu, Donghai, et al. "Intelligent compaction practice and development: a bibliometric analysis." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (2019).

Hu, Da, et al. "Detecting, locating, and characterizing voids in disaster rubble for search and rescue." Advanced Engineering Informatics 42 (2019): 100974.

Chen, Junjie, et al. "Registering georeferenced photos to a building information model to extract structures of interest." Advanced Engineering Informatics 42 (2019): 100937.

Liu, Donghai, et al. "Dynamic BIM-augmented UAV safety inspection for water diversion project." Computers in Industry 108 (2019): 163-177.

Liu, Donghai, Junjie Chen, and Shuai Li. "Collaborative operation and real-time control of roller fleet for asphalt pavement compaction." Automation in Construction 98 (2019): 16-29.

Liu, Donghai, et al. "An integrated visualization framework to support whole-process management of water pipeline safety." Automation in Construction 89 (2018): 24-37.

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